Movement Tracking

100% Australian designed solution to record employee start & finish times, movements/visits between client sites, work times (including breaks) and fault or status reporting in a secure, accurate, fast & simple manner within a work environment, be it a factory, office or out on the road.

The Check-Point software simply utilises unique Id tags or customised barcode tags. The following Site or Run Map gives an indication of the basic functionality of the Software.

Check-Point screenshot

An employee can be rostered to the task of visiting all BLUE RUN clients' sites. As the employee visits each site, he/she can simply report the job performed or status of the site and then proceed to the following site. Once the "Start Run" site has been visited, the order in which sites are visited thereafter is left to the employee's discretion. If the employee fails to visit a site "rostered" to that run, it is reported as being unchecked and is also logged against that employee's performance statistics.

The GREEN RUN is an example of non-rostered site visits by an employee, which includes part of the BLUE RUN and part of the RED RUN.

With the PocketPC version, head office can schedule patrols on the run utilising the GPRS network and also track the patrols if necessary.

From this information, reports are available for the clients on their site visits, for staff and their performance, for time taken between each site visited in a period, for a summary of the work performed by employees and others.

We have a number of mobile ID recorders available.

Microsoft Registered Trademark 100% Australian developed and maintained